You're probably asking ... Who and what is SpeedWorXXX?
The SpeedWorXXX guys are the R&D division of Triple X Race Components responsible for some of the sickest innovations in the industry. They have designed many of the parts you probably already have and use. Their passion for performance and safety goes into every product Triple X makes.
But, they also have a dark side ... a side so grusome that they conceive parts in a racing coma ... drunk on adrenalin and speed. Quite honestly, we don't even 100% understand why we let them make it. It's product that you absolutely don't need, should avoid like the plague, kick to the curb, and punch in the face ... but deep inside will want anyway.
At this point, if you're asking "why should I buy SpeedworXXX labeled product?" ... you're a smart racer. Leave this page now.
If you've made it this far, you belong to the crowd for whom 100's of a second makes the difference between 1st and making excuses in the trailer. These parts are lighter. These parts are stronger. And we're not going to blow smoke up your skirt ... these parts are more expensive. But you know what it takes to win, and you know it's these parts. So read on ...

Don't even ask us about the origin of this one. It took more coffee and 5 Hour Energy to invent than the FDA recommends as safe for human consumption.
The first, and only, carbon fiber brake pedal in the industry.
And now ... why you want it ... why you need it. This pedal is lighter than Ti, but still stiffer than a regular steel pedal. Those that said "You can't have your cake and eat it too" clearly never drove a Sprint Car or Midget with this pedal.
Track proven by some of the best race teams on the planet ... most notably Brian Montieth ... and anyone that knows anything about racing knows there is no one in country harder on brakes than "The Edge".
Essentially, it’s the greatest brake pedal ever created – order yours today!

We built the carbon brake pedal. And then found it was lonely like a treadmill at a McDonalds convention. So, we made it a friend.
The abosolute lightest throttle pedal on the market today.
Spudded on both the toe piece, and the return bar so you finally can get your throttle linkage perfectly aligned. With an integrated tab for the return spring (no more hose clamps).
Used by both the top teams in racing ... and the bottom. Because, even if you're not on the WoO, why not save 1/2 pound over a steel pedal. Cheapest weight you will ever take off your car.
Like it's big brother the carbon brake pedal, it’s the greatest throttle pedal ever created!

Why? Because we can. And we did.
Plus ... it's lighter and stronger than aluminum. If you're just looking for cockpit comfort for your feet, then get the XXX aluminum heel riser. Hundreds and hundreds of other customers have and are completely satified with it. But if 1,000's of a second count to you, this will make the difference.
Available in 1" and 1 1/2" heights.

This one we can't take all the credit for.
This is the sweetest Sprint Car dash on the market today, and maybe in the history of Sprint Car racing.
Originally designed by the famed Hoffman Auto Racing Team for Bradys XXX car ... and loved by ooohhhhh so many since. Clearly a team with 10 USAC National championships knows their stuff!
Super light, polished, recessed for gauges, and flat on the sides for mag/tach/switch mounting ... not one detail missed on this beauty.

Proof that sometimes simpler is better.
Yes ... we're ugly ... but our rear axles are not. Why you ask? Because we created a simple yet functional solution to an all too common problem.
The Carbon Ladder Cover attaches to your ladder, and keeps all the crap off the rear axle. You might be thinking "I don't need that". And, you're right. But take a look at the right side of your axle. It's pitted and gross. If it was a prom date, you'd rather stay home alone.
Put this on and rejoice in a rear axle free of packed mud.

Anyone that knows anything about aerodynamics and drag will tell you that open wheel dirt cars are basically airflow abortions.
If they tell you anything else, then they are just bleecher racers that like the pretty colors, fancy stripes, and lovely numbers on the side of your wing from 30 rows back in the stands. So forget everything those Nancy's have told you.
Fact is, getting the air "on" the car is simple ... just press the gas pedal. The real issue with reducing drag is getting the air "off" the car as efficiently as possible. So decrease drag and get the air from behind the seat off the car cleanly with this trick carbon fiber aero tank cover. Less drag = Lower Lap Times.
And as an added bonus, the Nancy's will now have something to ask you about other than
"What does the wing do?". You're welcome.

Anyone can make a Tel-Tach mount in aluminum. We know because we did.
What if you wanted to make the exact same thing ... but lighter and just as strong? That would surely seperate the men from the boys. Turns out at SpeedWorXXX it not the size of your toys that makes a man, but the wieght of them.
The only carbon fiber Tel-Tach Mount on the market ... just as functional as its aluminum counterpart, but like a prize fighter in the wrong weight class, weighing in less and packing the same punch.
Now you can easily and quickly remove your tach for washing, and with the added weight savings ... you'll have that extra little bit of energy for something important like drinking a beer.

Yes ... we agree. Engine Enclosure Panels are not that exciting.
You probably don't even care about them much ... unless you're a rock trying to disconnect a spark plug wire, or dirt trying to make a $60,000 motor look like it came from a junk yard.
You probably also care if you are a really smart race team trying to prevent the two aforementioned. And, if you are that team, we know you also want to keep the race car as light as possible. For you, and only you, we make Carbon Engine Enclosures Panels.
Light. Strong. And, like Tide, keeps dirt away.